Box2D 3.1.0
A 2D physics engine for games
Cb2AABB | Axis-aligned bounding box |
Cb2BodyDef | A body definition holds all the data needed to construct a rigid body |
Cb2BodyEvents | Body events are buffered in the Box2D world and are available as event arrays after the time step is complete |
Cb2BodyId | Body id references a body instance. This should be treated as an opaque handle |
Cb2BodyMoveEvent | Body move events triggered when a body moves |
Cb2Capsule | A solid capsule can be viewed as two semicircles connected by a rectangle |
Cb2CastOutput | Low level ray-cast or shape-cast output data |
Cb2ChainDef | Used to create a chain of line segments |
Cb2ChainId | Chain id references a chain instances. This should be treated as an opaque handle |
Cb2ChainSegment | A line segment with one-sided collision |
Cb2Circle | A solid circle |
Cb2ContactBeginTouchEvent | A begin touch event is generated when two shapes begin touching |
Cb2ContactData | The contact data for two shapes |
Cb2ContactEndTouchEvent | An end touch event is generated when two shapes stop touching |
Cb2ContactEvents | Contact events are buffered in the Box2D world and are available as event arrays after the time step is complete |
Cb2ContactHitEvent | A hit touch event is generated when two shapes collide with a speed faster than the hit speed threshold |
Cb2DebugDraw | This struct holds callbacks you can implement to draw a Box2D world |
Cb2DistanceCache | Used to warm start b2Distance |
Cb2DistanceInput | Input for b2ShapeDistance |
Cb2DistanceJointDef | Distance joint definition |
Cb2DistanceOutput | Output for b2ShapeDistance |
Cb2DistanceProxy | A distance proxy is used by the GJK algorithm. It encapsulates any shape |
Cb2DynamicTree | The dynamic tree structure |
Cb2Filter | This is used to filter collision on shapes |
Cb2Hull | A convex hull |
Cb2JointId | Joint id references a joint instance. This should be treated as an opaque handle |
Cb2Manifold | A contact manifold describes the contact points between colliding shapes |
Cb2ManifoldPoint | A manifold point is a contact point belonging to a contact manifold |
Cb2MassData | This holds the mass data computed for a shape |
Cb2Mat22 | A 2-by-2 Matrix |
Cb2MotorJointDef | A motor joint is used to control the relative motion between two bodies |
Cb2MouseJointDef | A mouse joint is used to make a point on a body track a specified world point |
Cb2Polygon | A solid convex polygon |
Cb2PrismaticJointDef | Prismatic joint definition |
Cb2QueryFilter | The query filter is used to filter collisions between queries and shapes |
Cb2RayCastInput | Low level ray-cast input data |
Cb2RayResult | Result from b2World_RayCastClosest |
Cb2RevoluteJointDef | Revolute joint definition |
Cb2Rot | 2D rotation This is similar to using a complex number for rotation |
Cb2Segment | A line segment with two-sided collision |
Cb2SegmentDistanceResult | Result of computing the distance between two line segments |
Cb2SensorBeginTouchEvent | A begin touch event is generated when a shape starts to overlap a sensor shape |
Cb2SensorEndTouchEvent | An end touch event is generated when a shape stops overlapping a sensor shape |
Cb2SensorEvents | Sensor events are buffered in the Box2D world and are available as begin/end overlap event arrays after the time step is complete |
Cb2ShapeCastInput | Low level shape cast input in generic form |
Cb2ShapeCastPairInput | Input parameters for b2ShapeCast |
Cb2ShapeDef | Used to create a shape |
Cb2ShapeId | Shape id references a shape instance. This should be treated as an opaque handle |
Cb2Simplex | Simplex from the GJK algorithm |
Cb2SimplexVertex | Simplex vertex for debugging the GJK algorithm |
Cb2Sweep | This describes the motion of a body/shape for TOI computation |
Cb2TOIInput | Input parameters for b2TimeOfImpact |
Cb2TOIOutput | Output parameters for b2TimeOfImpact |
Cb2Transform | A 2D rigid transform |
Cb2TreeNode | A node in the dynamic tree. This is private data placed here for performance reasons |
Cb2TreeNode.__unnamed1__ | |
Cb2Vec2 | 2D vector This can be used to represent a point or free vector |
Cb2Version | Version numbering scheme |
Cb2WeldJointDef | Weld joint definition |
Cb2WheelJointDef | Wheel joint definition |
Cb2WorldDef | World definition used to create a simulation world |
Cb2WorldId | World id references a world instance. This should be treated as an opaque handle |