Box2D 3.1.0
A 2D physics engine for games
No Matches

Vector math types and functions More...

Data Structures

struct  b2Vec2
 2D vector This can be used to represent a point or free vector More...
struct  b2Rot
 2D rotation This is similar to using a complex number for rotation More...
struct  b2Transform
 A 2D rigid transform. More...
struct  b2Mat22
 A 2-by-2 Matrix. More...
struct  b2AABB
 Axis-aligned bounding box. More...


#define b2_pi   3.14159265359f


float b2Atan2 (float y, float x)
 Compute an approximate arctangent in the range [-pi, pi] This is hand coded for cross platform determinism.
float b2MinFloat (float a, float b)
float b2MaxFloat (float a, float b)
float b2AbsFloat (float a)
float b2ClampFloat (float a, float lower, float upper)
int b2MinInt (int a, int b)
int b2MaxInt (int a, int b)
int b2AbsInt (int a)
int b2ClampInt (int a, int lower, int upper)
float b2Dot (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b)
 Vector dot product.
float b2Cross (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b)
 Vector cross product. In 2D this yields a scalar.
b2Vec2 b2CrossVS (b2Vec2 v, float s)
 Perform the cross product on a vector and a scalar. In 2D this produces a vector.
b2Vec2 b2CrossSV (float s, b2Vec2 v)
 Perform the cross product on a scalar and a vector. In 2D this produces a vector.
b2Vec2 b2LeftPerp (b2Vec2 v)
 Get a left pointing perpendicular vector. Equivalent to b2CrossSV(1.0f, v)
b2Vec2 b2RightPerp (b2Vec2 v)
 Get a right pointing perpendicular vector. Equivalent to b2CrossVS(v, 1.0f)
b2Vec2 b2Add (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b)
 Vector addition.
b2Vec2 b2Sub (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b)
 Vector subtraction.
b2Vec2 b2Neg (b2Vec2 a)
 Vector negation.
b2Vec2 b2Lerp (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b, float t)
 Vector linear interpolation
b2Vec2 b2Mul (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b)
 Component-wise multiplication.
b2Vec2 b2MulSV (float s, b2Vec2 v)
 Multiply a scalar and vector.
b2Vec2 b2MulAdd (b2Vec2 a, float s, b2Vec2 b)
 a + s * b
b2Vec2 b2MulSub (b2Vec2 a, float s, b2Vec2 b)
 a - s * b
b2Vec2 b2Abs (b2Vec2 a)
 Component-wise absolute vector.
b2Vec2 b2Min (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b)
 Component-wise minimum vector.
b2Vec2 b2Max (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b)
 Component-wise maximum vector.
b2Vec2 b2Clamp (b2Vec2 v, b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b)
 Component-wise clamp vector v into the range [a, b].
float b2Length (b2Vec2 v)
 Get the length of this vector (the norm)
float b2Distance (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b)
 Get the distance between two points.
b2Vec2 b2Normalize (b2Vec2 v)
 Convert a vector into a unit vector if possible, otherwise returns the zero vector.
b2Vec2 b2GetLengthAndNormalize (float *length, b2Vec2 v)
 Convert a vector into a unit vector if possible, otherwise returns the zero vector.
b2Rot b2NormalizeRot (b2Rot q)
 Normalize rotation.
b2Rot b2IntegrateRotation (b2Rot q1, float deltaAngle)
 Integration rotation from angular velocity.
float b2LengthSquared (b2Vec2 v)
 Get the length squared of this vector.
float b2DistanceSquared (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b)
 Get the distance squared between points.
b2Rot b2MakeRot (float angle)
 Make a rotation using an angle in radians.
bool b2IsNormalized (b2Rot q)
 Is this rotation normalized?
b2Rot b2NLerp (b2Rot q1, b2Rot q2, float t)
 Normalized linear interpolation
float b2ComputeAngularVelocity (b2Rot q1, b2Rot q2, float inv_h)
 Compute the angular velocity necessary to rotate between two rotations over a give time.
float b2Rot_GetAngle (b2Rot q)
 Get the angle in radians in the range [-pi, pi].
b2Vec2 b2Rot_GetXAxis (b2Rot q)
 Get the x-axis.
b2Vec2 b2Rot_GetYAxis (b2Rot q)
 Get the y-axis.
b2Rot b2MulRot (b2Rot q, b2Rot r)
 Multiply two rotations: q * r.
b2Rot b2InvMulRot (b2Rot q, b2Rot r)
 Transpose multiply two rotations: qT * r.
float b2RelativeAngle (b2Rot b, b2Rot a)
 relative angle between b and a (rot_b * inv(rot_a))
float b2UnwindAngle (float angle)
 Convert an angle in the range [-2*pi, 2*pi] into the range [-pi, pi].
float b2UnwindLargeAngle (float angle)
 Convert any into the range [-pi, pi] (slow)
b2Vec2 b2RotateVector (b2Rot q, b2Vec2 v)
 Rotate a vector.
b2Vec2 b2InvRotateVector (b2Rot q, b2Vec2 v)
 Inverse rotate a vector.
b2Vec2 b2TransformPoint (b2Transform t, const b2Vec2 p)
 Transform a point (e.g. local space to world space)
b2Vec2 b2InvTransformPoint (b2Transform t, const b2Vec2 p)
 Inverse transform a point (e.g. world space to local space)
b2Transform b2MulTransforms (b2Transform A, b2Transform B)
 v2 = A.q.Rot(B.q.Rot(v1) + B.p) + A.p = (A.q * B.q).Rot(v1) + A.q.Rot(B.p) + A.p
b2Transform b2InvMulTransforms (b2Transform A, b2Transform B)
 v2 = A.q' * (B.q * v1 + B.p - A.p) = A.q' * B.q * v1 + A.q' * (B.p - A.p)
b2Vec2 b2MulMV (b2Mat22 A, b2Vec2 v)
 Multiply a 2-by-2 matrix times a 2D vector.
b2Mat22 b2GetInverse22 (b2Mat22 A)
 Get the inverse of a 2-by-2 matrix.
b2Vec2 b2Solve22 (b2Mat22 A, b2Vec2 b)
 Solve A * x = b, where b is a column vector.
bool b2AABB_Contains (b2AABB a, b2AABB b)
 Does a fully contain b.
b2Vec2 b2AABB_Center (b2AABB a)
 Get the center of the AABB.
b2Vec2 b2AABB_Extents (b2AABB a)
 Get the extents of the AABB (half-widths).
b2AABB b2AABB_Union (b2AABB a, b2AABB b)
 Union of two AABBs.
bool b2IsValid (float a)
 Is this a valid number? Not NaN or infinity.
bool b2Vec2_IsValid (b2Vec2 v)
 Is this a valid vector? Not NaN or infinity.
bool b2Rot_IsValid (b2Rot q)
 Is this a valid rotation? Not NaN or infinity. Is normalized.
bool b2AABB_IsValid (b2AABB aabb)
 Is this a valid bounding box? Not Nan or infinity. Upper bound greater than or equal to lower bound.
void b2SetLengthUnitsPerMeter (float lengthUnits)
 Box2D bases all length units on meters, but you may need different units for your game.
float b2GetLengthUnitsPerMeter (void)
 Get the current length units per meter.

Detailed Description

Vector math types and functions

Data Structure Documentation

◆ b2Vec2

struct b2Vec2

2D vector This can be used to represent a point or free vector

Data Fields
float x coordinates
float y

◆ b2Rot

struct b2Rot

2D rotation This is similar to using a complex number for rotation

Data Fields
float c cosine and sine
float s

◆ b2Transform

struct b2Transform

A 2D rigid transform.

Collaboration diagram for b2Transform:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 p
b2Rot q

◆ b2Mat22

struct b2Mat22

A 2-by-2 Matrix.

Collaboration diagram for b2Mat22:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 cx columns
b2Vec2 cy

◆ b2AABB

struct b2AABB

Axis-aligned bounding box.

Collaboration diagram for b2AABB:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 lowerBound
b2Vec2 upperBound

Function Documentation

◆ b2AbsFloat()

float b2AbsFloat ( float a)
the absolute value of a float

◆ b2AbsInt()

int b2AbsInt ( int a)
the absolute value of an integer

◆ b2Atan2()

float b2Atan2 ( float y,
float x )

Compute an approximate arctangent in the range [-pi, pi] This is hand coded for cross platform determinism.

The atan2f function in the standard library is not cross platform deterministic.

◆ b2ClampFloat()

float b2ClampFloat ( float a,
float lower,
float upper )
a float clamped between a lower and upper bound

◆ b2ClampInt()

int b2ClampInt ( int a,
int lower,
int upper )
an integer clamped between a lower and upper bound

◆ b2ComputeAngularVelocity()

float b2ComputeAngularVelocity ( b2Rot q1,
b2Rot q2,
float inv_h )

Compute the angular velocity necessary to rotate between two rotations over a give time.

q1initial rotation
q2final rotation
inv_hinverse time step

◆ b2GetLengthAndNormalize()

b2Vec2 b2GetLengthAndNormalize ( float * length,
b2Vec2 v )

Convert a vector into a unit vector if possible, otherwise returns the zero vector.

Also outputs the length.

◆ b2IntegrateRotation()

b2Rot b2IntegrateRotation ( b2Rot q1,
float deltaAngle )

Integration rotation from angular velocity.

q1initial rotation
deltaAnglethe angular displacement in radians

◆ b2MaxFloat()

float b2MaxFloat ( float a,
float b )
the maximum of two floats

◆ b2MaxInt()

int b2MaxInt ( int a,
int b )
the maximum of two integers

◆ b2MinFloat()

float b2MinFloat ( float a,
float b )
the minimum of two floats

◆ b2MinInt()

int b2MinInt ( int a,
int b )
the minimum of two integers

◆ b2SetLengthUnitsPerMeter()

void b2SetLengthUnitsPerMeter ( float lengthUnits)

Box2D bases all length units on meters, but you may need different units for your game.

You can set this value to use different units. This should be done at application startup and only modified once. Default value is 1.

This must be modified before any calls to Box2D

◆ b2Solve22()

b2Vec2 b2Solve22 ( b2Mat22 A,
b2Vec2 b )

Solve A * x = b, where b is a column vector.

This is more efficient than computing the inverse in one-shot cases.