float | b2Atan2 (float y, float x) |
| Compute an approximate arctangent in the range [-pi, pi] This is hand coded for cross platform determinism.
float | b2MinFloat (float a, float b) |
float | b2MaxFloat (float a, float b) |
float | b2AbsFloat (float a) |
float | b2ClampFloat (float a, float lower, float upper) |
int | b2MinInt (int a, int b) |
int | b2MaxInt (int a, int b) |
int | b2AbsInt (int a) |
int | b2ClampInt (int a, int lower, int upper) |
float | b2Dot (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b) |
| Vector dot product.
float | b2Cross (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b) |
| Vector cross product. In 2D this yields a scalar.
b2Vec2 | b2CrossVS (b2Vec2 v, float s) |
| Perform the cross product on a vector and a scalar. In 2D this produces a vector.
b2Vec2 | b2CrossSV (float s, b2Vec2 v) |
| Perform the cross product on a scalar and a vector. In 2D this produces a vector.
b2Vec2 | b2LeftPerp (b2Vec2 v) |
| Get a left pointing perpendicular vector. Equivalent to b2CrossSV(1.0f, v)
b2Vec2 | b2RightPerp (b2Vec2 v) |
| Get a right pointing perpendicular vector. Equivalent to b2CrossVS(v, 1.0f)
b2Vec2 | b2Add (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b) |
| Vector addition.
b2Vec2 | b2Sub (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b) |
| Vector subtraction.
b2Vec2 | b2Neg (b2Vec2 a) |
| Vector negation.
b2Vec2 | b2Lerp (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b, float t) |
| Vector linear interpolation https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2012/08/15/linear-interpolation-past-present-and-future/.
b2Vec2 | b2Mul (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b) |
| Component-wise multiplication.
b2Vec2 | b2MulSV (float s, b2Vec2 v) |
| Multiply a scalar and vector.
b2Vec2 | b2MulAdd (b2Vec2 a, float s, b2Vec2 b) |
| a + s * b
b2Vec2 | b2MulSub (b2Vec2 a, float s, b2Vec2 b) |
| a - s * b
b2Vec2 | b2Abs (b2Vec2 a) |
| Component-wise absolute vector.
b2Vec2 | b2Min (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b) |
| Component-wise minimum vector.
b2Vec2 | b2Max (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b) |
| Component-wise maximum vector.
b2Vec2 | b2Clamp (b2Vec2 v, b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b) |
| Component-wise clamp vector v into the range [a, b].
float | b2Length (b2Vec2 v) |
| Get the length of this vector (the norm)
float | b2Distance (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b) |
| Get the distance between two points.
b2Vec2 | b2Normalize (b2Vec2 v) |
| Convert a vector into a unit vector if possible, otherwise returns the zero vector.
b2Vec2 | b2GetLengthAndNormalize (float *length, b2Vec2 v) |
| Convert a vector into a unit vector if possible, otherwise returns the zero vector.
b2Rot | b2NormalizeRot (b2Rot q) |
| Normalize rotation.
b2Rot | b2IntegrateRotation (b2Rot q1, float deltaAngle) |
| Integration rotation from angular velocity.
float | b2LengthSquared (b2Vec2 v) |
| Get the length squared of this vector.
float | b2DistanceSquared (b2Vec2 a, b2Vec2 b) |
| Get the distance squared between points.
b2Rot | b2MakeRot (float angle) |
| Make a rotation using an angle in radians.
bool | b2IsNormalized (b2Rot q) |
| Is this rotation normalized?
b2Rot | b2NLerp (b2Rot q1, b2Rot q2, float t) |
| Normalized linear interpolation https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2012/08/15/linear-interpolation-past-present-and-future/.
float | b2ComputeAngularVelocity (b2Rot q1, b2Rot q2, float inv_h) |
| Compute the angular velocity necessary to rotate between two rotations over a give time.
float | b2Rot_GetAngle (b2Rot q) |
| Get the angle in radians in the range [-pi, pi].
b2Vec2 | b2Rot_GetXAxis (b2Rot q) |
| Get the x-axis.
b2Vec2 | b2Rot_GetYAxis (b2Rot q) |
| Get the y-axis.
b2Rot | b2MulRot (b2Rot q, b2Rot r) |
| Multiply two rotations: q * r.
b2Rot | b2InvMulRot (b2Rot q, b2Rot r) |
| Transpose multiply two rotations: qT * r.
float | b2RelativeAngle (b2Rot b, b2Rot a) |
| relative angle between b and a (rot_b * inv(rot_a))
float | b2UnwindAngle (float angle) |
| Convert an angle in the range [-2*pi, 2*pi] into the range [-pi, pi].
float | b2UnwindLargeAngle (float angle) |
| Convert any into the range [-pi, pi] (slow)
b2Vec2 | b2RotateVector (b2Rot q, b2Vec2 v) |
| Rotate a vector.
b2Vec2 | b2InvRotateVector (b2Rot q, b2Vec2 v) |
| Inverse rotate a vector.
b2Vec2 | b2TransformPoint (b2Transform t, const b2Vec2 p) |
| Transform a point (e.g. local space to world space)
b2Vec2 | b2InvTransformPoint (b2Transform t, const b2Vec2 p) |
| Inverse transform a point (e.g. world space to local space)
b2Transform | b2MulTransforms (b2Transform A, b2Transform B) |
| v2 = A.q.Rot(B.q.Rot(v1) + B.p) + A.p = (A.q * B.q).Rot(v1) + A.q.Rot(B.p) + A.p
b2Transform | b2InvMulTransforms (b2Transform A, b2Transform B) |
| v2 = A.q' * (B.q * v1 + B.p - A.p) = A.q' * B.q * v1 + A.q' * (B.p - A.p)
b2Vec2 | b2MulMV (b2Mat22 A, b2Vec2 v) |
| Multiply a 2-by-2 matrix times a 2D vector.
b2Mat22 | b2GetInverse22 (b2Mat22 A) |
| Get the inverse of a 2-by-2 matrix.
b2Vec2 | b2Solve22 (b2Mat22 A, b2Vec2 b) |
| Solve A * x = b, where b is a column vector.
bool | b2AABB_Contains (b2AABB a, b2AABB b) |
| Does a fully contain b.
b2Vec2 | b2AABB_Center (b2AABB a) |
| Get the center of the AABB.
b2Vec2 | b2AABB_Extents (b2AABB a) |
| Get the extents of the AABB (half-widths).
b2AABB | b2AABB_Union (b2AABB a, b2AABB b) |
| Union of two AABBs.
bool | b2IsValid (float a) |
| Is this a valid number? Not NaN or infinity.
bool | b2Vec2_IsValid (b2Vec2 v) |
| Is this a valid vector? Not NaN or infinity.
bool | b2Rot_IsValid (b2Rot q) |
| Is this a valid rotation? Not NaN or infinity. Is normalized.
bool | b2AABB_IsValid (b2AABB aabb) |
| Is this a valid bounding box? Not Nan or infinity. Upper bound greater than or equal to lower bound.
void | b2SetLengthUnitsPerMeter (float lengthUnits) |
| Box2D bases all length units on meters, but you may need different units for your game.
float | b2GetLengthUnitsPerMeter (void) |
| Get the current length units per meter.