Box2D 3.1.0
A 2D physics engine for games
No Matches

Geometry types and algorithms More...

Data Structures

struct  b2RayCastInput
 Low level ray-cast input data. More...
struct  b2ShapeCastInput
 Low level shape cast input in generic form. More...
struct  b2CastOutput
 Low level ray-cast or shape-cast output data. More...
struct  b2MassData
 This holds the mass data computed for a shape. More...
struct  b2Circle
 A solid circle. More...
struct  b2Capsule
 A solid capsule can be viewed as two semicircles connected by a rectangle. More...
struct  b2Polygon
 A solid convex polygon. More...
struct  b2Segment
 A line segment with two-sided collision. More...
struct  b2ChainSegment
 A line segment with one-sided collision. More...
struct  b2Hull
 A convex hull. More...


#define b2_maxPolygonVertices   8
 The maximum number of vertices on a convex polygon.


bool b2IsValidRay (const b2RayCastInput *input)
 Validate ray cast input data (NaN, etc)
b2Polygon b2MakePolygon (const b2Hull *hull, float radius)
 Make a convex polygon from a convex hull.
b2Polygon b2MakeOffsetPolygon (const b2Hull *hull, float radius, b2Transform transform)
 Make an offset convex polygon from a convex hull.
b2Polygon b2MakeSquare (float h)
 Make a square polygon, bypassing the need for a convex hull.
b2Polygon b2MakeBox (float hx, float hy)
 Make a box (rectangle) polygon, bypassing the need for a convex hull.
b2Polygon b2MakeRoundedBox (float hx, float hy, float radius)
 Make a rounded box, bypassing the need for a convex hull.
b2Polygon b2MakeOffsetBox (float hx, float hy, b2Vec2 center, b2Rot rotation)
 Make an offset box, bypassing the need for a convex hull.
b2Polygon b2TransformPolygon (b2Transform transform, const b2Polygon *polygon)
 Transform a polygon. This is useful for transferring a shape from one body to another.
b2MassData b2ComputeCircleMass (const b2Circle *shape, float density)
 Compute mass properties of a circle.
b2MassData b2ComputeCapsuleMass (const b2Capsule *shape, float density)
 Compute mass properties of a capsule.
b2MassData b2ComputePolygonMass (const b2Polygon *shape, float density)
 Compute mass properties of a polygon.
b2AABB b2ComputeCircleAABB (const b2Circle *shape, b2Transform transform)
 Compute the bounding box of a transformed circle.
b2AABB b2ComputeCapsuleAABB (const b2Capsule *shape, b2Transform transform)
 Compute the bounding box of a transformed capsule.
b2AABB b2ComputePolygonAABB (const b2Polygon *shape, b2Transform transform)
 Compute the bounding box of a transformed polygon.
b2AABB b2ComputeSegmentAABB (const b2Segment *shape, b2Transform transform)
 Compute the bounding box of a transformed line segment.
bool b2PointInCircle (b2Vec2 point, const b2Circle *shape)
 Test a point for overlap with a circle in local space.
bool b2PointInCapsule (b2Vec2 point, const b2Capsule *shape)
 Test a point for overlap with a capsule in local space.
bool b2PointInPolygon (b2Vec2 point, const b2Polygon *shape)
 Test a point for overlap with a convex polygon in local space.
b2CastOutput b2RayCastCircle (const b2RayCastInput *input, const b2Circle *shape)
 Ray cast versus circle in shape local space. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2RayCastCapsule (const b2RayCastInput *input, const b2Capsule *shape)
 Ray cast versus capsule in shape local space. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2RayCastSegment (const b2RayCastInput *input, const b2Segment *shape, bool oneSided)
 Ray cast versus segment in shape local space.
b2CastOutput b2RayCastPolygon (const b2RayCastInput *input, const b2Polygon *shape)
 Ray cast versus polygon in shape local space. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2ShapeCastCircle (const b2ShapeCastInput *input, const b2Circle *shape)
 Shape cast versus a circle. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2ShapeCastCapsule (const b2ShapeCastInput *input, const b2Capsule *shape)
 Shape cast versus a capsule. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2ShapeCastSegment (const b2ShapeCastInput *input, const b2Segment *shape)
 Shape cast versus a line segment. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2ShapeCastPolygon (const b2ShapeCastInput *input, const b2Polygon *shape)
 Shape cast versus a convex polygon. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2Hull b2ComputeHull (const b2Vec2 *points, int32_t count)
 Compute the convex hull of a set of points.
bool b2ValidateHull (const b2Hull *hull)
 This determines if a hull is valid.

Detailed Description

Geometry types and algorithms

Definitions of circles, capsules, segments, and polygons. Various algorithms to compute hulls, mass properties, and so on.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ b2RayCastInput

struct b2RayCastInput

Low level ray-cast input data.

Collaboration diagram for b2RayCastInput:
Data Fields
float maxFraction The maximum fraction of the translation to consider, typically 1.
b2Vec2 origin Start point of the ray cast.
b2Vec2 translation Translation of the ray cast.

◆ b2ShapeCastInput

struct b2ShapeCastInput

Low level shape cast input in generic form.

This allows casting an arbitrary point cloud wrap with a radius. For example, a circle is a single point with a non-zero radius. A capsule is two points with a non-zero radius. A box is four points with a zero radius.

Collaboration diagram for b2ShapeCastInput:
Data Fields
int32_t count The number of points.
float maxFraction The maximum fraction of the translation to consider, typically 1.
b2Vec2 points[b2_maxPolygonVertices] A point cloud to cast.
float radius The radius around the point cloud.
b2Vec2 translation The translation of the shape cast.

◆ b2CastOutput

struct b2CastOutput

Low level ray-cast or shape-cast output data.

Collaboration diagram for b2CastOutput:
Data Fields
float fraction The fraction of the input translation at collision.
bool hit Did the cast hit?
int32_t iterations The number of iterations used.
b2Vec2 normal The surface normal at the hit point.
b2Vec2 point The surface hit point.

◆ b2MassData

struct b2MassData

This holds the mass data computed for a shape.

Collaboration diagram for b2MassData:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 center The position of the shape's centroid relative to the shape's origin.
float mass The mass of the shape, usually in kilograms.
float rotationalInertia The rotational inertia of the shape about the local origin.

◆ b2Circle

struct b2Circle

A solid circle.

Collaboration diagram for b2Circle:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 center The local center.
float radius The radius.

◆ b2Capsule

struct b2Capsule

A solid capsule can be viewed as two semicircles connected by a rectangle.

Collaboration diagram for b2Capsule:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 center1 Local center of the first semicircle.
b2Vec2 center2 Local center of the second semicircle.
float radius The radius of the semicircles.

◆ b2Polygon

struct b2Polygon

A solid convex polygon.

It is assumed that the interior of the polygon is to the left of each edge. Polygons have a maximum number of vertices equal to b2_maxPolygonVertices. In most cases you should not need many vertices for a convex polygon.

DO NOT fill this out manually, instead use a helper function like b2MakePolygon or b2MakeBox.
Collaboration diagram for b2Polygon:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 centroid The centroid of the polygon.
int32_t count The number of polygon vertices.
b2Vec2 normals[b2_maxPolygonVertices] The outward normal vectors of the polygon sides.
float radius The external radius for rounded polygons.
b2Vec2 vertices[b2_maxPolygonVertices] The polygon vertices.

◆ b2Segment

struct b2Segment

A line segment with two-sided collision.

Collaboration diagram for b2Segment:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 point1 The first point.
b2Vec2 point2 The second point.

◆ b2ChainSegment

struct b2ChainSegment

A line segment with one-sided collision.

Only collides on the right side. Several of these are generated for a chain shape. ghost1 -> point1 -> point2 -> ghost2

Collaboration diagram for b2ChainSegment:
Data Fields
int32_t chainId The owning chain shape index (internal usage only)
b2Vec2 ghost1 The tail ghost vertex.
b2Vec2 ghost2 The head ghost vertex.
b2Segment segment The line segment.

◆ b2Hull

struct b2Hull

A convex hull.

Used to create convex polygons.

Do not modify these values directly, instead use b2ComputeHull()
Collaboration diagram for b2Hull:
Data Fields
int32_t count The number of points.
b2Vec2 points[b2_maxPolygonVertices] The final points of the hull.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ b2_maxPolygonVertices

#define b2_maxPolygonVertices   8

The maximum number of vertices on a convex polygon.

Changing this affects performance even if you don't use more vertices.

Function Documentation

◆ b2ComputeHull()

b2Hull b2ComputeHull ( const b2Vec2 * points,
int32_t count )

Compute the convex hull of a set of points.

Returns an empty hull if it fails. Some failure cases:

  • all points very close together
  • all points on a line
  • less than 3 points
  • more than b2_maxPolygonVertices points This welds close points and removes collinear points.
    Do not modify a hull once it has been computed

◆ b2MakeOffsetPolygon()

b2Polygon b2MakeOffsetPolygon ( const b2Hull * hull,
float radius,
b2Transform transform )

Make an offset convex polygon from a convex hull.

This will assert if the hull is not valid.

Do not manually fill in the hull data, it must come directly from b2ComputeHull

◆ b2MakePolygon()

b2Polygon b2MakePolygon ( const b2Hull * hull,
float radius )

Make a convex polygon from a convex hull.

This will assert if the hull is not valid.

Do not manually fill in the hull data, it must come directly from b2ComputeHull

◆ b2RayCastSegment()

b2CastOutput b2RayCastSegment ( const b2RayCastInput * input,
const b2Segment * shape,
bool oneSided )

Ray cast versus segment in shape local space.

Optionally treat the segment as one-sided with hits from the left side being treated as a miss.

◆ b2ValidateHull()

bool b2ValidateHull ( const b2Hull * hull)

This determines if a hull is valid.

Checks for:

  • convexity
  • collinear points This is expensive and should not be called at runtime.