Box2D 3.1.0
A 2D physics engine for games
No Matches

These functions allow you to create a simulation world. More...

Data Structures

struct  b2RayResult
 Result from b2World_RayCastClosest. More...
struct  b2WorldDef
 World definition used to create a simulation world. More...
struct  b2DebugDraw
 This struct holds callbacks you can implement to draw a Box2D world. More...


typedef void b2TaskCallback(int32_t startIndex, int32_t endIndex, uint32_t workerIndex, void *taskContext)
 Task interface This is prototype for a Box2D task.
typedef void * b2EnqueueTaskCallback(b2TaskCallback *task, int32_t itemCount, int32_t minRange, void *taskContext, void *userContext)
 These functions can be provided to Box2D to invoke a task system.
typedef void b2FinishTaskCallback(void *userTask, void *userContext)
 Finishes a user task object that wraps a Box2D task.
typedef bool b2CustomFilterFcn(b2ShapeId shapeIdA, b2ShapeId shapeIdB, void *context)
 Prototype for a contact filter callback.
typedef bool b2PreSolveFcn(b2ShapeId shapeIdA, b2ShapeId shapeIdB, b2Manifold *manifold, void *context)
 Prototype for a pre-solve callback.
typedef bool b2OverlapResultFcn(b2ShapeId shapeId, void *context)
 Prototype callback for overlap queries.
typedef float b2CastResultFcn(b2ShapeId shapeId, b2Vec2 point, b2Vec2 normal, float fraction, void *context)
 Prototype callback for ray casts.


b2WorldId b2CreateWorld (const b2WorldDef *def)
 Create a world for rigid body simulation.
void b2DestroyWorld (b2WorldId worldId)
 Destroy a world.
bool b2World_IsValid (b2WorldId id)
 World id validation. Provides validation for up to 64K allocations.
void b2World_Step (b2WorldId worldId, float timeStep, int subStepCount)
 Simulate a world for one time step.
void b2World_Draw (b2WorldId worldId, b2DebugDraw *draw)
 Call this to draw shapes and other debug draw data.
b2BodyEvents b2World_GetBodyEvents (b2WorldId worldId)
 Get the body events for the current time step. The event data is transient. Do not store a reference to this data.
b2SensorEvents b2World_GetSensorEvents (b2WorldId worldId)
 Get sensor events for the current time step. The event data is transient. Do not store a reference to this data.
b2ContactEvents b2World_GetContactEvents (b2WorldId worldId)
 Get contact events for this current time step. The event data is transient. Do not store a reference to this data.
void b2World_OverlapAABB (b2WorldId worldId, b2AABB aabb, b2QueryFilter filter, b2OverlapResultFcn *fcn, void *context)
 Overlap test for all shapes that potentially overlap the provided AABB.
void b2World_OverlapCircle (b2WorldId worldId, const b2Circle *circle, b2Transform transform, b2QueryFilter filter, b2OverlapResultFcn *fcn, void *context)
 Overlap test for for all shapes that overlap the provided circle.
void b2World_OverlapCapsule (b2WorldId worldId, const b2Capsule *capsule, b2Transform transform, b2QueryFilter filter, b2OverlapResultFcn *fcn, void *context)
 Overlap test for all shapes that overlap the provided capsule.
void b2World_OverlapPolygon (b2WorldId worldId, const b2Polygon *polygon, b2Transform transform, b2QueryFilter filter, b2OverlapResultFcn *fcn, void *context)
 Overlap test for all shapes that overlap the provided polygon.
void b2World_CastRay (b2WorldId worldId, b2Vec2 origin, b2Vec2 translation, b2QueryFilter filter, b2CastResultFcn *fcn, void *context)
 Cast a ray into the world to collect shapes in the path of the ray.
b2RayResult b2World_CastRayClosest (b2WorldId worldId, b2Vec2 origin, b2Vec2 translation, b2QueryFilter filter)
 Cast a ray into the world to collect the closest hit.
void b2World_CastCircle (b2WorldId worldId, const b2Circle *circle, b2Transform originTransform, b2Vec2 translation, b2QueryFilter filter, b2CastResultFcn *fcn, void *context)
 Cast a circle through the world. Similar to a cast ray except that a circle is cast instead of a point.
void b2World_CastCapsule (b2WorldId worldId, const b2Capsule *capsule, b2Transform originTransform, b2Vec2 translation, b2QueryFilter filter, b2CastResultFcn *fcn, void *context)
 Cast a capsule through the world. Similar to a cast ray except that a capsule is cast instead of a point.
void b2World_CastPolygon (b2WorldId worldId, const b2Polygon *polygon, b2Transform originTransform, b2Vec2 translation, b2QueryFilter filter, b2CastResultFcn *fcn, void *context)
 Cast a polygon through the world. Similar to a cast ray except that a polygon is cast instead of a point.
void b2World_EnableSleeping (b2WorldId worldId, bool flag)
 Enable/disable sleep.
void b2World_EnableContinuous (b2WorldId worldId, bool flag)
 Enable/disable continuous collision between dynamic and static bodies.
void b2World_SetRestitutionThreshold (b2WorldId worldId, float value)
 Adjust the restitution threshold.
void b2World_SetHitEventThreshold (b2WorldId worldId, float value)
 Adjust the hit event threshold.
void b2World_SetCustomFilterCallback (b2WorldId worldId, b2CustomFilterFcn *fcn, void *context)
 Register the custom filter callback. This is optional.
void b2World_SetPreSolveCallback (b2WorldId worldId, b2PreSolveFcn *fcn, void *context)
 Register the pre-solve callback. This is optional.
void b2World_SetGravity (b2WorldId worldId, b2Vec2 gravity)
 Set the gravity vector for the entire world.
b2Vec2 b2World_GetGravity (b2WorldId worldId)
 Get the gravity vector.
void b2World_Explode (b2WorldId worldId, b2Vec2 position, float radius, float impulse)
 Apply a radial explosion.
void b2World_SetContactTuning (b2WorldId worldId, float hertz, float dampingRatio, float pushVelocity)
 Adjust contact tuning parameters.
void b2World_EnableWarmStarting (b2WorldId worldId, bool flag)
 Enable/disable constraint warm starting.
b2Profile b2World_GetProfile (b2WorldId worldId)
 Get the current world performance profile.
b2Counters b2World_GetCounters (b2WorldId worldId)
 Get world counters and sizes.
void b2World_DumpMemoryStats (b2WorldId worldId)
 Dump memory stats to box2d_memory.txt.
b2WorldDef b2DefaultWorldDef (void)
 Use this to initialize your world definition.

Detailed Description

These functions allow you to create a simulation world.

You can add rigid bodies and joint constraints to the world and run the simulation. You can get contact information to get contact points and normals as well as events. You can query to world, checking for overlaps and casting rays or shapes. There is also debugging information such as debug draw, timing information, and counters. You can find documentation here:

Data Structure Documentation

◆ b2RayResult

struct b2RayResult

Result from b2World_RayCastClosest.

Collaboration diagram for b2RayResult:
Data Fields
float fraction
bool hit
b2Vec2 normal
b2Vec2 point
b2ShapeId shapeId

◆ b2WorldDef

struct b2WorldDef

World definition used to create a simulation world.

Must be initialized using b2DefaultWorldDef().

Collaboration diagram for b2WorldDef:
Data Fields
float contactDampingRatio Contact bounciness. Non-dimensional.
float contactHertz Contact stiffness. Cycles per second.
float contactPushoutVelocity This parameter controls how fast overlap is resolved and has units of meters per second.
bool enableContinuous Enable continuous collision.
bool enableSleep Can bodies go to sleep to improve performance.
b2EnqueueTaskCallback * enqueueTask Function to spawn tasks.
b2FinishTaskCallback * finishTask Function to finish a task.
b2Vec2 gravity Gravity vector. Box2D has no up-vector defined.
float hitEventThreshold Threshold velocity for hit events. Usually meters per second.
int32_t internalValue Used internally to detect a valid definition. DO NOT SET.
float jointDampingRatio Joint bounciness. Non-dimensional.
float jointHertz Joint stiffness. Cycles per second.
float maximumLinearVelocity Maximum linear velocity. Usually meters per second.
float restitutionThreshold Restitution velocity threshold, usually in m/s.

Collisions above this speed have restitution applied (will bounce).

void * userTaskContext User context that is provided to enqueueTask and finishTask.
int32_t workerCount Number of workers to use with the provided task system.

Box2D performs best when using only performance cores and accessing a single L2 cache. Efficiency cores and hyper-threading provide little benefit and may even harm performance.

◆ b2DebugDraw

struct b2DebugDraw

This struct holds callbacks you can implement to draw a Box2D world.

This structure should be zero initialized.

Collaboration diagram for b2DebugDraw:
Data Fields
void * context User context that is passed as an argument to drawing callback functions.
bool drawAABBs Option to draw the bounding boxes for shapes.
void(*)(b2Vec2 p1, b2Vec2 p2, float radius, b2HexColor color, void *context) DrawCapsule Draw a capsule.
void(*)(b2Vec2 center, float radius, b2HexColor color, void *context) DrawCircle Draw a circle.
bool drawContactImpulses Option to draw contact normal impulses.
bool drawContactNormals Option to draw contact normals.
bool drawContacts Option to draw contact points.
bool drawFrictionImpulses Option to draw contact friction impulses.
bool drawGraphColors Option to visualize the graph coloring used for contacts and joints.
b2AABB drawingBounds Bounds to use if restricting drawing to a rectangular region.
bool drawJointExtras Option to draw additional information for joints.
bool drawJoints Option to draw joints.
bool drawMass Option to draw the mass and center of mass of dynamic bodies.
void(*)(b2Vec2 p, float size, b2HexColor color, void *context) DrawPoint Draw a point.
void(*)(const b2Vec2 *vertices, int vertexCount, b2HexColor color, void *context) DrawPolygon Draw a closed polygon provided in CCW order.
void(*)(b2Vec2 p1, b2Vec2 p2, b2HexColor color, void *context) DrawSegment Draw a line segment.
bool drawShapes Option to draw shapes.
void(*)(b2Vec2 p1, b2Vec2 p2, float radius, b2HexColor color, void *context) DrawSolidCapsule Draw a solid capsule.
void(*)(b2Transform transform, float radius, b2HexColor color, void *context) DrawSolidCircle Draw a solid circle.
void(*)(b2Transform transform, const b2Vec2 *vertices, int vertexCount, float radius, b2HexColor color, void *context) DrawSolidPolygon Draw a solid closed polygon provided in CCW order.
void(*)(b2Vec2 p, const char *s, void *context) DrawString Draw a string.
void(*)(b2Transform transform, void *context) DrawTransform Draw a transform. Choose your own length scale.
bool useDrawingBounds Option to restrict drawing to a rectangular region. May suffer from unstable depth sorting.

Typedef Documentation

◆ b2CastResultFcn

typedef float b2CastResultFcn(b2ShapeId shapeId, b2Vec2 point, b2Vec2 normal, float fraction, void *context)

Prototype callback for ray casts.

Called for each shape found in the query. You control how the ray cast proceeds by returning a float: return -1: ignore this shape and continue return 0: terminate the ray cast return fraction: clip the ray to this point return 1: don't clip the ray and continue

shapeIdthe shape hit by the ray
pointthe point of initial intersection
normalthe normal vector at the point of intersection
fractionthe fraction along the ray at the point of intersection
contextthe user context
-1 to filter, 0 to terminate, fraction to clip the ray for closest hit, 1 to continue
See also

◆ b2CustomFilterFcn

typedef bool b2CustomFilterFcn(b2ShapeId shapeIdA, b2ShapeId shapeIdB, void *context)

Prototype for a contact filter callback.

This is called when a contact pair is considered for collision. This allows you to perform custom logic to prevent collision between shapes. This is only called if one of the two shapes has custom filtering enabled.

See also
b2ShapeDef. Notes:
  • this function must be thread-safe
  • this is only called if one of the two shapes has enabled custom filtering
  • this is called only for awake dynamic bodies Return false if you want to disable the Collision
Do not attempt to modify the world inside this callback

◆ b2EnqueueTaskCallback

typedef void * b2EnqueueTaskCallback(b2TaskCallback *task, int32_t itemCount, int32_t minRange, void *taskContext, void *userContext)

These functions can be provided to Box2D to invoke a task system.

These are designed to work well with enkiTS. Returns a pointer to the user's task object. May be nullptr. A nullptr indicates to Box2D that the work was executed serially within the callback and there is no need to call b2FinishTaskCallback. The itemCount is the number of Box2D work items that are to be partitioned among workers by the user's task system. This is essentially a parallel-for. The minRange parameter is a suggestion of the minimum number of items to assign per worker to reduce overhead. For example, suppose the task is small and that itemCount is 16. A minRange of 8 suggests that your task system should split the work items among just two workers, even if you have more available. In general the range [startIndex, endIndex) send to b2TaskCallback should obey: endIndex - startIndex >= minRange The exception of course is when itemCount < minRange.

◆ b2OverlapResultFcn

typedef bool b2OverlapResultFcn(b2ShapeId shapeId, void *context)

Prototype callback for overlap queries.

Called for each shape found in the query.

See also
false to terminate the query.

◆ b2PreSolveFcn

typedef bool b2PreSolveFcn(b2ShapeId shapeIdA, b2ShapeId shapeIdB, b2Manifold *manifold, void *context)

Prototype for a pre-solve callback.

This is called after a contact is updated. This allows you to inspect a contact before it goes to the solver. If you are careful, you can modify the contact manifold (e.g. modify the normal). Notes:

  • this function must be thread-safe
  • this is only called if the shape has enabled pre-solve events
  • this is called only for awake dynamic bodies
  • this is not called for sensors
  • the supplied manifold has impulse values from the previous step Return false if you want to disable the contact this step
    Do not attempt to modify the world inside this callback

◆ b2TaskCallback

typedef void b2TaskCallback(int32_t startIndex, int32_t endIndex, uint32_t workerIndex, void *taskContext)

Task interface This is prototype for a Box2D task.

Your task system is expected to invoke the Box2D task with these arguments. The task spans a range of the parallel-for: [startIndex, endIndex) The worker index must correctly identify each worker in the user thread pool, expected in [0, workerCount). A worker must only exist on only one thread at a time and is analogous to the thread index. The task context is the context pointer sent from Box2D when it is enqueued. The startIndex and endIndex are expected in the range [0, itemCount) where itemCount is the argument to b2EnqueueTaskCallback below. Box2D expects startIndex < endIndex and will execute a loop like this:

for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i)

Function Documentation

◆ b2CreateWorld()

b2WorldId b2CreateWorld ( const b2WorldDef * def)

Create a world for rigid body simulation.

A world contains bodies, shapes, and constraints. You make create up to 128 worlds. Each world is completely independent and may be simulated in parallel.

the world id.

◆ b2World_CastRay()

void b2World_CastRay ( b2WorldId worldId,
b2Vec2 origin,
b2Vec2 translation,
b2QueryFilter filter,
b2CastResultFcn * fcn,
void * context )

Cast a ray into the world to collect shapes in the path of the ray.

Your callback function controls whether you get the closest point, any point, or n-points. The ray-cast ignores shapes that contain the starting point.

worldIdThe world to cast the ray against
originThe start point of the ray
translationThe translation of the ray from the start point to the end point
filterContains bit flags to filter unwanted shapes from the results
fcnA user implemented callback function
contextA user context that is passed along to the callback function
The callback function may receive shapes in any order

◆ b2World_CastRayClosest()

b2RayResult b2World_CastRayClosest ( b2WorldId worldId,
b2Vec2 origin,
b2Vec2 translation,
b2QueryFilter filter )

Cast a ray into the world to collect the closest hit.

This is a convenience function. This is less general than b2World_CastRay() and does not allow for custom filtering.

◆ b2World_EnableContinuous()

void b2World_EnableContinuous ( b2WorldId worldId,
bool flag )

Enable/disable continuous collision between dynamic and static bodies.

Generally you should keep continuous collision enabled to prevent fast moving objects from going through static objects. The performance gain from disabling continuous collision is minor.

See also

◆ b2World_EnableSleeping()

void b2World_EnableSleeping ( b2WorldId worldId,
bool flag )

Enable/disable sleep.

If your application does not need sleeping, you can gain some performance by disabling sleep completely at the world level.

See also

◆ b2World_EnableWarmStarting()

void b2World_EnableWarmStarting ( b2WorldId worldId,
bool flag )

Enable/disable constraint warm starting.

Advanced feature for testing. Disabling sleeping greatly reduces stability and provides no performance gain.

◆ b2World_Explode()

void b2World_Explode ( b2WorldId worldId,
b2Vec2 position,
float radius,
float impulse )

Apply a radial explosion.

worldIdThe world id
positionThe center of the explosion
radiusThe radius of the explosion
impulseThe impulse of the explosion, typically in kg * m / s or N * s.

◆ b2World_SetContactTuning()

void b2World_SetContactTuning ( b2WorldId worldId,
float hertz,
float dampingRatio,
float pushVelocity )

Adjust contact tuning parameters.

worldIdThe world id
hertzThe contact stiffness (cycles per second)
dampingRatioThe contact bounciness with 1 being critical damping (non-dimensional)
pushVelocityThe maximum contact constraint push out velocity (meters per second)
Advanced feature

◆ b2World_SetGravity()

void b2World_SetGravity ( b2WorldId worldId,
b2Vec2 gravity )

Set the gravity vector for the entire world.

Box2D has no concept of an up direction and this is left as a decision for the application. Typically in m/s^2.

See also

◆ b2World_SetHitEventThreshold()

void b2World_SetHitEventThreshold ( b2WorldId worldId,
float value )

Adjust the hit event threshold.

This controls the collision velocity needed to generate a b2ContactHitEvent. Typically in meters per second.

See also

◆ b2World_SetRestitutionThreshold()

void b2World_SetRestitutionThreshold ( b2WorldId worldId,
float value )

Adjust the restitution threshold.

It is recommended not to make this value very small because it will prevent bodies from sleeping. Typically in meters per second.

See also

◆ b2World_Step()

void b2World_Step ( b2WorldId worldId,
float timeStep,
int subStepCount )

Simulate a world for one time step.

This performs collision detection, integration, and constraint solution.

worldIdThe world to simulate
timeStepThe amount of time to simulate, this should be a fixed number. Typically 1/60.
subStepCountThe number of sub-steps, increasing the sub-step count can increase accuracy. Typically 4.