B2_API void | b2GetPointStates (b2PointState state1[b2_maxManifoldPoints], b2PointState state2[b2_maxManifoldPoints], const b2Manifold *manifold1, const b2Manifold *manifold2) |
B2_API void | b2CollideCircles (b2Manifold *manifold, const b2CircleShape *circleA, const b2Transform &xfA, const b2CircleShape *circleB, const b2Transform &xfB) |
| Compute the collision manifold between two circles.
B2_API void | b2CollidePolygonAndCircle (b2Manifold *manifold, const b2PolygonShape *polygonA, const b2Transform &xfA, const b2CircleShape *circleB, const b2Transform &xfB) |
| Compute the collision manifold between a polygon and a circle.
B2_API void | b2CollidePolygons (b2Manifold *manifold, const b2PolygonShape *polygonA, const b2Transform &xfA, const b2PolygonShape *polygonB, const b2Transform &xfB) |
| Compute the collision manifold between two polygons.
B2_API void | b2CollideEdgeAndCircle (b2Manifold *manifold, const b2EdgeShape *polygonA, const b2Transform &xfA, const b2CircleShape *circleB, const b2Transform &xfB) |
| Compute the collision manifold between an edge and a circle.
B2_API void | b2CollideEdgeAndPolygon (b2Manifold *manifold, const b2EdgeShape *edgeA, const b2Transform &xfA, const b2PolygonShape *polygonB, const b2Transform &xfB) |
| Compute the collision manifold between an edge and a polygon.
B2_API int32 | b2ClipSegmentToLine (b2ClipVertex vOut[2], const b2ClipVertex vIn[2], const b2Vec2 &normal, float offset, int32 vertexIndexA) |
| Clipping for contact manifolds.
B2_API bool | b2TestOverlap (const b2Shape *shapeA, int32 indexA, const b2Shape *shapeB, int32 indexB, const b2Transform &xfA, const b2Transform &xfB) |
| Determine if two generic shapes overlap.
b2Hull | b2ComputeHull (const b2Vec2 *points, int32 count) |
bool | b2ValidateHull (const b2Hull &hull) |
bool | b2TestOverlap (const b2AABB &a, const b2AABB &b) |
Structures and functions used for computing contact points, distance queries, and TOI queries.