Box2D 2.4.1
A 2D physics engine for games
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | b2Version |
Macros | |
#define | b2DEBUG |
#define | B2_NOT_USED(x) |
#define | b2Assert(A) |
#define | b2_maxFloat FLT_MAX |
#define | b2_epsilon FLT_EPSILON |
#define | b2_pi 3.14159265359f |
#define | b2_maxManifoldPoints 2 |
#define | b2_aabbExtension (0.1f * b2_lengthUnitsPerMeter) |
#define | b2_aabbMultiplier 4.0f |
#define | b2_linearSlop (0.005f * b2_lengthUnitsPerMeter) |
#define | b2_angularSlop (2.0f / 180.0f * b2_pi) |
#define | b2_polygonRadius (2.0f * b2_linearSlop) |
#define | b2_maxSubSteps 8 |
Maximum number of sub-steps per contact in continuous physics simulation. | |
#define | b2_maxTOIContacts 32 |
Maximum number of contacts to be handled to solve a TOI impact. | |
#define | b2_maxLinearCorrection (0.2f * b2_lengthUnitsPerMeter) |
#define | b2_maxAngularCorrection (8.0f / 180.0f * b2_pi) |
#define | b2_maxTranslation (2.0f * b2_lengthUnitsPerMeter) |
#define | b2_maxTranslationSquared (b2_maxTranslation * b2_maxTranslation) |
#define | b2_maxRotation (0.5f * b2_pi) |
#define | b2_maxRotationSquared (b2_maxRotation * b2_maxRotation) |
#define | b2_baumgarte 0.2f |
#define | b2_toiBaumgarte 0.75f |
#define | b2_timeToSleep 0.5f |
The time that a body must be still before it will go to sleep. | |
#define | b2_linearSleepTolerance (0.01f * b2_lengthUnitsPerMeter) |
A body cannot sleep if its linear velocity is above this tolerance. | |
#define | b2_angularSleepTolerance (2.0f / 180.0f * b2_pi) |
A body cannot sleep if its angular velocity is above this tolerance. | |
Functions | |
void | b2OpenDump (const char *fileName) |
Dump to a file. Only one dump file allowed at a time. | |
void | b2Dump (const char *string,...) |
void | b2CloseDump () |
Variables | |
B2_API b2Version | b2_version |
Current version. | |
Global tuning constants based on meters-kilograms-seconds (MKS) units.
#define b2_aabbExtension (0.1f * b2_lengthUnitsPerMeter) |
This is used to fatten AABBs in the dynamic tree. This allows proxies to move by a small amount without triggering a tree adjustment. This is in meters.
#define b2_aabbMultiplier 4.0f |
This is used to fatten AABBs in the dynamic tree. This is used to predict the future position based on the current displacement. This is a dimensionless multiplier.
#define b2_angularSlop (2.0f / 180.0f * b2_pi) |
A small angle used as a collision and constraint tolerance. Usually it is chosen to be numerically significant, but visually insignificant.
#define b2_baumgarte 0.2f |
This scale factor controls how fast overlap is resolved. Ideally this would be 1 so that overlap is removed in one time step. However using values close to 1 often lead to overshoot.
#define b2_linearSlop (0.005f * b2_lengthUnitsPerMeter) |
A small length used as a collision and constraint tolerance. Usually it is chosen to be numerically significant, but visually insignificant. In meters.
#define b2_maxAngularCorrection (8.0f / 180.0f * b2_pi) |
The maximum angular position correction used when solving constraints. This helps to prevent overshoot.
#define b2_maxLinearCorrection (0.2f * b2_lengthUnitsPerMeter) |
The maximum linear position correction used when solving constraints. This helps to prevent overshoot. Meters.
#define b2_maxManifoldPoints 2 |
The maximum number of contact points between two convex shapes. Do not change this value.
#define b2_maxRotation (0.5f * b2_pi) |
The maximum angular velocity of a body. This limit is very large and is used to prevent numerical problems. You shouldn't need to adjust this.
#define b2_maxTranslation (2.0f * b2_lengthUnitsPerMeter) |
The maximum linear translation of a body per step. This limit is very large and is used to prevent numerical problems. You shouldn't need to adjust this. Meters.
#define B2_NOT_USED | ( | x | ) |
#define b2_polygonRadius (2.0f * b2_linearSlop) |
The radius of the polygon/edge shape skin. This should not be modified. Making this smaller means polygons will have an insufficient buffer for continuous collision. Making it larger may create artifacts for vertex collision.
#define b2Assert | ( | A | ) |