No Matches
Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- i -
- id : b2ManifoldPoint
- indexA : b2DistanceCache, b2SimplexVertex
- indexB : b2DistanceCache, b2SimplexVertex
- internalValue : b2BodyDef, b2ChainDef, b2DistanceJointDef, b2MotorJointDef, b2MouseJointDef, b2PrismaticJointDef, b2RevoluteJointDef, b2ShapeDef, b2WeldJointDef, b2WheelJointDef, b2WorldDef
- isAwake : b2BodyDef
- isBullet : b2BodyDef
- isEnabled : b2BodyDef
- isLoop : b2ChainDef
- isSensor : b2ShapeDef
- iterations : b2CastOutput, b2DistanceOutput