Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- c -
- c : b2Rot
- c1 : b2Sweep
- c2 : b2Sweep
- categoryBits : b2Filter, b2QueryFilter, b2TreeNode
- center : b2Circle, b2MassData
- center1 : b2Capsule
- center2 : b2Capsule
- centroid : b2Polygon
- chainId : b2ChainSegment
- child1 : b2TreeNode
- child2 : b2TreeNode
- closest1 : b2SegmentDistanceResult
- closest2 : b2SegmentDistanceResult
- collideConnected : b2DistanceJointDef, b2MotorJointDef, b2MouseJointDef, b2PrismaticJointDef, b2RevoluteJointDef, b2WeldJointDef, b2WheelJointDef
- contactDampingRatio : b2WorldDef
- contactHertz : b2WorldDef
- contactPushoutVelocity : b2WorldDef
- context : b2DebugDraw
- correctionFactor : b2MotorJointDef
- count : b2ChainDef, b2DistanceCache, b2DistanceProxy, b2Hull, b2Polygon, b2ShapeCastInput, b2Simplex
- customColor : b2ShapeDef
- cx : b2Mat22