Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- ratio : b2GearJointDef, b2PulleyJointDef
- RayCast() : b2BroadPhase, b2ChainShape, b2CircleShape, b2DynamicTree, b2EdgeShape, b2Fixture, b2PolygonShape, b2Shape, b2World
- RebuildBottomUp() : b2DynamicTree
- referenceAngle : b2PrismaticJointDef, b2RevoluteJointDef, b2WeldJointDef
- Refilter() : b2Fixture
- ReportFixture() : b2QueryCallback, b2RayCastCallback
- Reset() : b2Timer
- ResetFriction() : b2Contact
- ResetMassData() : b2Body
- ResetRestitution() : b2Contact
- ResetRestitutionThreshold() : b2Contact
- restitution : b2FixtureDef
- restitutionThreshold : b2FixtureDef
- revision : b2Version