Box2D 3.0.0
A 2D physics engine for games
No Matches

Data Structures

struct  b2RayCastInput
 Low level ray-cast input data. More...
struct  b2ShapeCastInput
 Low level shape cast input in generic form. More...
struct  b2CastOutput
 Low level ray-cast or shape-cast output data. More...
struct  b2MassData
 This holds the mass data computed for a shape. More...
struct  b2Circle
 A solid circle. More...
struct  b2Capsule
 A solid capsule can be viewed as two semicircles connected by a rectangle. More...
struct  b2Polygon
 A solid convex polygon. More...
struct  b2Segment
 A line segment with two-sided collision. More...
struct  b2SmoothSegment
 A smooth line segment with one-sided collision. More...
struct  b2Hull
 A convex hull. Used to create convex polygons. More...


#define b2_maxPolygonVertices   8
 The maximum number of vertices on a convex polygon.


bool b2IsValidRay (const b2RayCastInput *input)
 Validate ray cast input data (NaN, etc)
b2Polygon b2MakePolygon (const b2Hull *hull, float radius)
 Make a convex polygon from a convex hull. This will assert if the hull is not valid.
b2Polygon b2MakeOffsetPolygon (const b2Hull *hull, float radius, b2Transform transform)
 Make an offset convex polygon from a convex hull. This will assert if the hull is not valid.
b2Polygon b2MakeSquare (float h)
 Make a square polygon, bypassing the need for a convex hull.
b2Polygon b2MakeBox (float hx, float hy)
 Make a box (rectangle) polygon, bypassing the need for a convex hull.
b2Polygon b2MakeRoundedBox (float hx, float hy, float radius)
 Make a rounded box, bypassing the need for a convex hull.
b2Polygon b2MakeOffsetBox (float hx, float hy, b2Vec2 center, float angle)
 Make an offset box, bypassing the need for a convex hull.
b2Polygon b2TransformPolygon (b2Transform transform, const b2Polygon *polygon)
 Transform a polygon. This is useful for transferring a shape from one body to another.
b2MassData b2ComputeCircleMass (const b2Circle *shape, float density)
 Compute mass properties of a circle.
b2MassData b2ComputeCapsuleMass (const b2Capsule *shape, float density)
 Compute mass properties of a capsule.
b2MassData b2ComputePolygonMass (const b2Polygon *shape, float density)
 Compute mass properties of a polygon.
b2AABB b2ComputeCircleAABB (const b2Circle *shape, b2Transform transform)
 Compute the bounding box of a transformed circle.
b2AABB b2ComputeCapsuleAABB (const b2Capsule *shape, b2Transform transform)
 Compute the bounding box of a transformed capsule.
b2AABB b2ComputePolygonAABB (const b2Polygon *shape, b2Transform transform)
 Compute the bounding box of a transformed polygon.
b2AABB b2ComputeSegmentAABB (const b2Segment *shape, b2Transform transform)
 Compute the bounding box of a transformed line segment.
bool b2PointInCircle (b2Vec2 point, const b2Circle *shape)
 Test a point for overlap with a circle in local space.
bool b2PointInCapsule (b2Vec2 point, const b2Capsule *shape)
 Test a point for overlap with a capsule in local space.
bool b2PointInPolygon (b2Vec2 point, const b2Polygon *shape)
 Test a point for overlap with a convex polygon in local space.
b2CastOutput b2RayCastCircle (const b2RayCastInput *input, const b2Circle *shape)
 Ray cast versus circle in shape local space. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2RayCastCapsule (const b2RayCastInput *input, const b2Capsule *shape)
 Ray cast versus capsule in shape local space. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2RayCastSegment (const b2RayCastInput *input, const b2Segment *shape, bool oneSided)
 Ray cast versus segment in shape local space.
b2CastOutput b2RayCastPolygon (const b2RayCastInput *input, const b2Polygon *shape)
 Ray cast versus polygon in shape local space. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2ShapeCastCircle (const b2ShapeCastInput *input, const b2Circle *shape)
 Shape cast versus a circle. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2ShapeCastCapsule (const b2ShapeCastInput *input, const b2Capsule *shape)
 Shape cast versus a capsule. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2ShapeCastSegment (const b2ShapeCastInput *input, const b2Segment *shape)
 Shape cast versus a line segment. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2CastOutput b2ShapeCastPolygon (const b2ShapeCastInput *input, const b2Polygon *shape)
 Shape cast versus a convex polygon. Initial overlap is treated as a miss.
b2Hull b2ComputeHull (const b2Vec2 *points, int32_t count)
 Compute the convex hull of a set of points.
bool b2ValidateHull (const b2Hull *hull)
 This determines if a hull is valid.

Detailed Description

Geometry types and algorithms

Definitions of circles, capsules, segments, and polygons. Various algorithms to compute hulls, mass properties, and so on.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ b2RayCastInput

struct b2RayCastInput

Low level ray-cast input data.

Collaboration diagram for b2RayCastInput:
Data Fields
float maxFraction The maximum fraction of the translation to consider, typically 1.
b2Vec2 origin Start point of the ray cast.
b2Vec2 translation Translation of the ray cast.

◆ b2ShapeCastInput

struct b2ShapeCastInput

Low level shape cast input in generic form.

This allows casting an arbitrary point cloud wrap with a radius. For example, a circle is a single point with a non-zero radius. A capsule is two points with a non-zero radius. A box is four points with a zero radius.

Collaboration diagram for b2ShapeCastInput:
Data Fields
int32_t count The number of points.
float maxFraction The maximum fraction of the translation to consider, typically 1.
b2Vec2 points[b2_maxPolygonVertices] A point cloud to cast.
float radius The radius around the point cloud.
b2Vec2 translation The translation of the shape cast.

◆ b2CastOutput

struct b2CastOutput

Low level ray-cast or shape-cast output data.

Collaboration diagram for b2CastOutput:
Data Fields
float fraction The fraction of the input translation at collision.
bool hit Did the cast hit?
int32_t iterations The number of iterations used.
b2Vec2 normal The surface normal at the hit point.
b2Vec2 point The surface hit point.

◆ b2MassData

struct b2MassData

This holds the mass data computed for a shape.

Collaboration diagram for b2MassData:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 center The position of the shape's centroid relative to the shape's origin.
float I The rotational inertia of the shape about the local origin.
float mass The mass of the shape, usually in kilograms.

◆ b2Circle

struct b2Circle

A solid circle.

Collaboration diagram for b2Circle:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 center The local center.
float radius The radius.

◆ b2Capsule

struct b2Capsule

A solid capsule can be viewed as two semicircles connected by a rectangle.

Collaboration diagram for b2Capsule:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 center1 Local center of the first semicircle.
b2Vec2 center2 Local center of the second semicircle.
float radius The radius of the semicircles.

◆ b2Polygon

struct b2Polygon

A solid convex polygon.

It is assumed that the interior of the polygon is to the left of each edge. Polygons have a maximum number of vertices equal to b2_maxPolygonVertices. In most cases you should not need many vertices for a convex polygon.

DO NOT fill this out manually, instead use a helper function like b2MakePolygon or b2MakeBox.
Collaboration diagram for b2Polygon:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 centroid The centroid of the polygon.
int32_t count The number of polygon vertices.
b2Vec2 normals[b2_maxPolygonVertices] The outward normal vectors of the polygon sides.
float radius The external radius for rounded polygons.
b2Vec2 vertices[b2_maxPolygonVertices] The polygon vertices.

◆ b2Segment

struct b2Segment

A line segment with two-sided collision.

Collaboration diagram for b2Segment:
Data Fields
b2Vec2 point1 The first point.
b2Vec2 point2 The second point.

◆ b2SmoothSegment

struct b2SmoothSegment

A smooth line segment with one-sided collision.

Only collides on the right side. Several of these are generated for a chain shape. ghost1 -> point1 -> point2 -> ghost2

Collaboration diagram for b2SmoothSegment:
Data Fields
int32_t chainId The owning chain shape index (internal usage only)
b2Vec2 ghost1 The tail ghost vertex.
b2Vec2 ghost2 The head ghost vertex.
b2Segment segment The line segment.

◆ b2Hull

struct b2Hull

A convex hull. Used to create convex polygons.

Collaboration diagram for b2Hull:
Data Fields
int32_t count The number of points.
b2Vec2 points[b2_maxPolygonVertices] The final points of the hull.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ b2_maxPolygonVertices

#define b2_maxPolygonVertices   8

The maximum number of vertices on a convex polygon.

Changing this affects performance even if you don't use more vertices.

Function Documentation

◆ b2ComputeHull()

b2Hull b2ComputeHull ( const b2Vec2 * points,
int32_t count )

Compute the convex hull of a set of points.

Returns an empty hull if it fails. Some failure cases:

  • all points very close together
  • all points on a line
  • less than 3 points
  • more than b2_maxPolygonVertices points This welds close points and removes collinear points.

◆ b2RayCastSegment()

b2CastOutput b2RayCastSegment ( const b2RayCastInput * input,
const b2Segment * shape,
bool oneSided )

Ray cast versus segment in shape local space.

Optionally treat the segment as one-sided with hits from the left side being treated as a miss.

◆ b2ValidateHull()

bool b2ValidateHull ( const b2Hull * hull)

This determines if a hull is valid.

Checks for:

  • convexity
  • collinear points This is expensive and should not be called at runtime.